
Talent is top concern on law firm leaders’ minds, says new report – Thomson Reuters

Law firm

In A mannequin new report, we see how a lot authorized expertise and ESG considerations are weighing on the minds of many regulation agency leaders

Leaders of right now’s huge regulation corporations definitely have lots To primarytain their minds occupied. Chief amongst these factors with which They Want to grapple are, unsurprisingly, considerations associated to regulation agency expertise — The biggest Method to recruit and retain prime regulationyers and staff, and The biggest Method To assemble a tradition By which these people Might need to work.

In our latest report, the Thomson Reuters Institute compiled interview responses from open-ended questions posed to a quantity of dozen worldwide regulation agency leaders And located that expertise As properly as to environment, social and governance (ESG) considerations primeped the itemizing of management challenges as corporations proceed to try To Search out new strategies of working.

Talent seems as a hydra

Talent considerations consumed the lion’s share Of these leaders’ considering, and rightfully so. The rivals for expertise has been notably fierce over the previous six months, with many regulation corporations continuously struggling To Sustain with The latest enterprise pay scales. And completely diffelease people corporations That are not primarytaining tempo on wage are left questioning The biggest Method to recruit and retain expertise Inside the face of extra profitable compensation.

The monetary strain the seemingly ever-growing salaries have placeed on corporations has been felt worldwidely and by almost every measurement of regulation agency. On The identical time salaries are growing, many corporations report a softening Inside the geographic restrictions that had beforehand guided their recruitment efforts. This enchancment leaves huge corporations free to recruit from a broader pool of expertise, whereas corporations that had not traditionally Desired to fear …….


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